Advertising Images Inc. Specials
Check out current specials for different vendors that we represent. If you can't find that perfect item give us a call and our sales staff will help you.
6" x 6" Microfiber Cloth
Deluxe 230 gsm micro fiber cleaning cloth. Heavier than most cloths on the market. Clean iPads, phones, computer screens, camera lenses, glasses and more without scratching. Full color option at no extra charge, cloth is white.
250 - $1.44 each
500 - $1.14 each
1000 - $0.92 each
2600 Mah Phone Charger
Charge your cell phone on the go with our high capacity phone charger!
Powers one phone an average of 100% Great colors to laser engrave or print!
50 - $11.99 each
100 - $10.35 each
250 - $7.79 each